
I gave up a successful career in computer science (twice!) to find my passions. When I share my story, I’ve found I’m often met with doubt (“Wait, so you chose to do that?”), then curiosity (“What made you do that?”), and finally trust (“Can you help me?”).

For years I helped my friends and family write resumes, switch jobs, and build the confidence to try something new. Now that I finally feel I’ve gained enough life experience, I started this blog to reach out to those of you I haven’t met yet who share the same desire — the calling to find work that makes you you.

If you’re looking for a real person’s advice and reflections over different phases of life, this blog is for you. I write about following your heart while navigating shifting priorities from those of youth to those of adulthood, specifically as a parent. By most measures, I live a typical middle-class life: a mortgage, two kids, a working husband. We’re frugal but not stingy; we’re not living paycheck to paycheck, but we’re not well off enough to retire now. While I don’t claim to have all our finances (or even life) figured out, I know enough on how to prioritize finding the work that gives me the most pride.

Life is a long game, and I want to help you make the most of it. Maybe you’re where I was and want to hear it from someone older. Maybe you’ve never tried, and you’re worried you may be too late. As cliché as it is, it’s true — if you died tomorrow, would you want your tombstone to say, “she never tried” or “she never gave up”? I hope it will be the latter for you.

With love,